Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene, Good Night and Good Morning

Irene has come and gone. The fear of water gushing into the basement kept me awake until 3:30 am Sunday and during that time I used my big shop vac to vacuum water coming up through the cracks in the cement floor. After succumbing to fatigue, I went to bed and slept for a long time. When I returned to the basement there was moisture around the entire perimeter and the many cracks in the floor. But to my great surprise, very little water came under the outside door. Both sump pumps worked through the night (the one in the front of the basement has not pumped for years) and were still working through Sunday. I am thankful I did not have any disastrous standing water but I am now determined to remove much of the unneeded and unwanted "stuff" in the overfull basement. I am resolute!

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