Sunday, November 13, 2011


I keep thinking...we are going to stop this creeping loss of democratic functions:  like one person, one vote; like majority rules; like the voice of any one person can be heard; like freedom of the press.
I am thinking...#OccupyWall Street may be the entity that will give voice to those whose voices have been drowned out by the top 1% that owns most of the money and power.
I am thinking that our country, our democracy is too young to die.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"1984" All Over Again

I just learned that Jon Corzine will receive about 12 million dollars for being the leader of  MP Global as it sinks into bankruptcy.  No doubt his contract guarantees this.  This gives me pause as I await the outcome of the decisions of the Congressional Super Committee.  These six people are looking for ways to reduce the national debt.  According to recent information about this group, the Democrats are ready to sell out senior citizens by reducing Social Security and Medicare. The Government has a contract with seniors - we pay into Social Security and Medicare during our working days; the government pays us when we retire. (By the way, we continue to pay for Medicare from our Social Security benefits.)  That is a contract between citizens and the Federal Government.  I want to know why contracts like Corzine's, along with all those sacrosanct contracts for outrageous bonuses given to Wall Street players, are enforced and the contract with senior citizens is not.  Could it be that "some contracts are more equal than others"?  Thanks, George Orwell, for the thought.